Jupiter entered Capricorn yesterday for the first time since 2007, where it will stay until December 19th, 2020. With Saturn and Pluto also in Capricorn this year, we’re receiving energy that the universe hasn’t seen since 1518 A.D.! This is going to be an incredibly powerful year. The more you tune in to yourself and the universe, the easier it will be to navigate the energy you’re receiving. We’re here to give you the rundown so you don’t miss out on all of the opportunities these transits are bringing!

The Planets

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and knowledge. It’s an incredibly powerful planet, pushing us forward and encouraging us to grow and change. When Jupiter is in Capricorn, we make a plan of action, meticulously calculating each step necessary to succeed. This transit shows us how important it is to do what we’re passionate about, and that every milestone counts.

Saturn is dignified, focusing on life’s boundaries and structure. When in Capricorn, the sign it rules, it is in balance and its purpose is to drive you to work hard for what you want. Take a look at your daily routines and suss out any inefficiencies or time-wasters. Set screen time limits on your phone to limit distractions. Get as organized as you can so that nothing holds you back as you work to achieve your goals.

Pluto deals with destruction and our deepest truths. As it moves through Capricorn, it inspires us to recreate ourselves to be our most authentic selves. Letting go of everything we think we “should” do in favor of listening to our intuition. The more we align with our true selves and our true purpose the more opportunities we will attract.

Capricorn’s Energy

Capricorn is an ambitious sign known for an intense work ethic. When we receive energy from Capricorn we become more focused and dedicated to our goals. With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn this year we can begin to find clarity in what we really want to work for. Opportunities will come our way and things will finally start to come together. If you’ve had a big dream or goal sitting on the back burner, now is the time to make it happen.

Everything starts with knowing who you are and what you want. What inspires you? What do you enjoy doing most? Even if it seems scary or impractical, those are the things you should work towards. With the universe supporting you in the next year, your side hustle or hobby could become your full time job. Before you define your goal, take the time to visualize what it would look like to pursue all of your options. Trust your gut, you’ll know when you have the answer.

One of the best things about Capricorn’s energy is the dedication to every step of the process. Once you know what you want to accomplish, give it your full focus. Whatever your goal is, research everything you need to know to make it happen. The more thorough and educated you are, the more prepared you’ll be. Outline the steps it will take to achieve your goal, make a master to do list, and set milestones for yourself. Be realistic in your planning and make sure that you don’t overwork yourself.

Your Sign

This energy will affect each individual differently! Read below to see how each sign is affected and be sure to check your Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto sign too! If you’re not sure what your Jupiter, Saturn, or Pluto sign is, download our app here.

Aries: Your career is getting supercharged right now! Is your job something you’re passionate about?

Taurus: Get out of your comfort zone, Taurus! This year is about travel, growth, and learning. If you’ve been wanting to dive into continued education or itching to take a big trip, now is the time to do it.

Gemini: Deep connection and money moves are on the agenda this year Gemini. The more you open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable, the more you’ll be able to bond with your loved ones. Are you investing in your future? It’s time to set up a retirement fund, invest in the stock market, or even buy a house.

Cancer: This year is about emotional growth for you. It’s time to get rid of the people in your life who don’t support you and drain your energy. Dedicate time to your own needs and protect your energy.

Leo: This year could be hugely transformative when it comes to your health. If you’ve been wanting to make changes to your diet or fitness routine, this is the time to do it. It’s time for a glow up!

Virgo: Be bold and put yourself out there. This year’s energy will give you the opportunity to step into the spotlight and pursue a passion project.

Libra: Capricorn’s energy will encourage you to actually find a work/home life balance that works for you. You’ll be eager to give your time to the things that actually matter to you, and it will be easier to be present at home and with loved ones.

Scorpio: You deserve some fun, Scorpio. 2019 was rough and now it’s your turn to say yes to every exciting opportunity that comes your way. This year will be enriching, inspiring, and filled with wonderful memories.

Sagittarius: Stability is the name of the game. You’re ready to get your life in order and work hard to advance in your career. Whether it’s a raise, a new job, or a better budget, you’ll be making big moves this year.

Capricorn: Your biggest dreams could become a reality this year! With 3 major planets in your sign, you’ll be unstoppable.

Aquarius: The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one you’ll ever have. Learn to say no to work projects or social events that demand too much of your energy. Foster your inner spirit and enjoy time alone.

Pisces: You’ll achieve more as a team than you will alone. Tackle work projects with your co-workers, join a philanthropic group you believe in, network, find any opportunity to work with people.

If you’re feeling overwhelming, don’t worry! This energy is inspiring and motivating, but it also requires patience and hard work to get what you want. Take it one step at a time and reach out to us on instagram! Let’s work on our goals together :)